Saturday, 11 February 2012


Ever been that person who get's a mean and bittersweet satisfaction out of a friends failure? Well, i did. I don't know whether i should be ashamed or not.Yes, i know, that's a nasty thing to say. But on the whole when I think about it, i guess she had it coming.

Yes I'm a terrible person. if i weren't i would be shooting rainbows out of my ass. Anyway, lets get some fact's straight: Things work a little differently at my University; If you're parents are well connected, your certificate 'success' is guaranteed. This kid has a father who knows people and it has worked to her advantage before. But she blew that chance because she tried to outsmart the examiner. I must say, it takes a certain amount of idiotic courage to do what she did. And she has gotten away with it twice. But she wasn't so lucky this time.

I don't support what she did because what she did was wrong, and it doesn't matter if others do it too. Its still wrong. So i told her to forget about it and concentrate on studying for the remaining tests.

Meanwhile I appeared for my Microbiology and Pathology orals. My friend didn't have Micro, and her Patho exam was the the day after mine. I didn't get much time to study for patho but i somehow managed. She on the other hand had double the amount of time I had. And yet she didn't take the oral exam on the set date. Instead she made her father submit an application and make excuses for her to the examiners, explaining that she was unwell (which she wasn't). I thought that was unfair. But I didn't tell her so. She wanted to ace the test by buying more time to study for it instead of sitting for it on the set date like the rest of us. Fine, she wanted to pass that badly. Everybody does. I don't blame her. Cos this is a shitty place. And the sooner one can get out of here, the better. Cos every year they seem to set more and more rules. Pretty much like Umbridge and her educational decrees.

So anyway, it turns out that her exam didn't go well. She studied every question they were supposed to ask in the orals (don't ask me what I mean by 'questions they were supposed to ask' cos that's a different story altogether). So she didn't do well. The examiners were as nasty as Umbridge. They don't like it when someone messes with the schedule. So they have her a hard time of it and asked her questions other than the ones that came up. Basically they grilled her. And she got stumped. I'm sure it was because she had rescheduled her exam, cos the examiners were pretty nice to me.

One thing that I've learned from the five years that I've spent in this establishment is: Never be absent for an exam, no matter how crappy your preparation is; cos most of it depends on luck anyway. Even being comparatively better prepared than the rest of the examinees can sometimes not work in your favor. But that's another story...

Saturday, 4 February 2012

I had originally planned on writing a detailed entry on how super geeky cool some of my classmates are and how i could never ever survive without their sheer ingeniousness (thank you little B!), but I'm dog tired and am going to collapse any minute now.

I've been over at my friends place all day, studying a years worth of notes (see what happens when you procrastinate, kids? Say no to procrastination.) I just got back like two hours back. My brains are so fried, and just the thought of pulling an all nighter was about to send me into hysterics. But then i logged onto facebook and lo behold! The super geeky cool little B had posted all the slides and specimen's that are supposed to come up for the exam on Monday! I'll be honest here and admit that I haven't spent enough time at the pathology lab. Sure I was bodily present, but mentally I'd probably been playing Quidditch against the Gryffindors (Slytherin Ftw!).

Not only did he post the pictures, he even tagged and labelled them, bless the little soul! I couldn't be more thankful to him, and to Mark Zukerberg.

Aren't they pwetty? =')

P.S- these picture's were taken by an SLR camera through the eyepiece of the microscope. Nifty, eh?

Friday, 3 February 2012

Another leaf...

So, instead of studying revising for hours into the night last night, i found myself reading blogs. I'll have to admit that it made me a tiny bit relieved to find that I'm not the only one who goes through the same demeaning, sleep-crazed, procrastinating life. And most of these bloggers have even ended up where they had intended to, not believing that they did.

I mean to do the same. I don't know where i go wrong every time (oh wait..i do.). I guess no one needs as much sleep as i do. I must be a unique case (honestly, who sleeps for 9 hours before an exam?). And i give in too easily to promises of fun-filled afternoons, to lazing around, to eating chow mein (which i don't really like come to think of it), or sipping tea by the lake. I shouldn't give in so easily. Not when I'm in the midst of exams.

So, i figure maybe restarting a blog will help me keep myself in check. To remind me of how many times my procrastination has gotten me into trouble. Cos i seem to conveniently forget about my 'bundle of wrongs'. Especially when things are going right.

So no more miss lazy pants (tonight doesn't count). From now on I'll be the medical phoenix (fitting, eh? turning over a new leaf...or reborn. Whatever).